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The student council

The association was established in September 2005 with the primary purpose of enhancing the social cohesion within IMADA’s educational programs. However, the scope and tasks of the council have expanded since then. All IMADA students are automatically members of the association. Currently, this includes (but is not limited to) mathematics, applied mathematics, mathematical economics, computer science, data science, and students pursuing supplementary subjects.

Today, the council is an association that still places a strong emphasis on maintaining social activities within the institute. Simultaneously, it has evolved into a student political active association. The council strives to have members, or at least contact with a student representative, in all crucial bodies at SDU. This way, the council ensures that IMADA students are represented as strongly as possible at the university.

The council also serves as a liaison between the institute and the students. A yearly evaluation report is prepared by the students in collaboration with the council. Conversely, the council is available to the institute when students are needed for various events or tasks.